Guitar Pro is a multitrack tablature editor for guitar, banjo and bass. Besides writing scores, Guitar Pro is a useful resource for guitarists from beginner to experienced levels to progress , compose , or simply accompany themselves.
Scores for Everybody
Known for its ease of use, Guitar Pro allows you to easily and intuitively enter notes by using keyboard keys, mouse clicks on a fretboard or directly a MIDI instrument.
Guitar Pro can handle up to 256 tracks and supports 4- to 7-strings instruments as well as percussions. It is even possible to enter non-guitar tracks.
A Well-designed Interface
The numerous toolbars available allow you to quickly access the most important features.
With multitrack/monotrack display, horizontal or vertical scrolling, the screen display adjusts to your preferences and score types.
Tablatures and Standart Notation
Primarily designed for tablatures, Guitar Pro allows you to switch to standard notation for viewing or editing scores.
The two notation systems are bound, and a note entered in one system is automatically added in the other one.
The rhythmics are automatically calculated and displayed by Guitar Pro. You just have to enter the note duration and let Guitar Pro do the work.
Every Symbols and Effects
Guitar Pro allows you to use numerous musical symbols in your scores, and especially guitar-specific ones.
Dynamic, Grace note, Staccato, Fade In, Left and Right Hand Fingering, Strocke, Pickstroke, Ghost Note, Accentuated Note, Dead note, Let Ring, Harmonics, Tapping, Slapping, Hammer On / Pull Off, bend, Tremolo Bar, Slides, Vibrato, Wide Vibrato, Trill, Tremolo Picking, Palm Mute, Text, Lyrics, Chords...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Guitar Pro 5.2 - Portable
Penned by
9:49 PM
Labels: guitar pro, software
Apparently the RIAA is so busy suing consumers that they forgot to hire a decent programmer. With a simple SQL injection, all their propaganda has been successfully wiped from the site.
It started out on Reddit, where a link to a really slow SQL query was posted. While the Reddit users were trying to kill the RIAA server, someone allegedly decided to up the ante and wipe the site’s entire database.
The comments on Reddit are only speculation so far. Based on the username, which was apparently “webReadOnly”, it might not have been setup correctly, or someone could have found another way to delete the content form the site.
Another possibility is that the RIAA themselves removed the content temporarily. This would seem unlikely, as a better solution would be to take it entirely offline to fix the bigger problem. While they could fix a small vulnerability like this in a matter of seconds, the chances are it’s not an isolated problem.
As pointed out by Haywire, playing around with the urls a bit can return some funny results. It is pretty easy to make the RIAA link to The Pirate Bay for example.
For now it sure does look like all the content has been wiped from the RIAA homepage. Let’s hope they have backups, or not.
Hahaha..I love it when such f***ers get pwned like this..Big time revenge for Demonoid!
Penned by
9:37 PM
Innovative Plastic Surgery
Want to change your look and get a hot one?Then you should consider getting plastic surgery.Medicine and surgery have crossed milestones in the last decade,and today it is possible to completely alter the appearance of a person.Everybody wants to look good, but not everybody is blessed with the beauty that we want, and it’s not wrong to do a little something to help you look better.There is an answer to all these woes concerning looks! Cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery,is a way many people resort to for enhancing their lifestyle But most of the people forget the most important thing that where they are going, some people can really hurt you, and the best place where you can go for plastic surgery is who are expert in Nip/Tuck Rodeo Drive.The customizes your treatment to your individual needs and concerns at their Beverly Hills rhinoplasty surgery Center! If you are ready to enhance your looks and become strikingly beautiful with added attraction of fabulous breasts with the help of beverly hills breast augmentation procedure, consider this an opportunity to make your friends envy! Remember - Holiday presents can include plastic surgery articles and ethnic rhinoplasty!Rodeo Drive Rhinoplasty is a center that is built Rodeo Drive - the world capital of fashion and style. This is the only on the world's most glamorous drive. And so is their care. The offices are specifically designed for your ultimate comfort. The surgical facilities are built in such a way that they ensure utmost safety.Too much worried about what rhinoplasty is, how it is done? answers all the questions. The FAQ section has answers to all simple yet very important questions. Photo gallery of people who have under gone the surgery is also displayed. Have a look for better perceptive. Beverly hills breast augmentation provides more information on breast plastic surgery.
So if you are serious about getting a new look,then you should check out this rhinoplasty technology.It is probably one of the safest techniques out there which is 100% effective.
Penned by
9:29 PM
PS3 dies after yellow light of death
Nothing is perfect, and it seems even the Sony PlayStation 3 which can survive 108 hours of torture through freezer vans and sizzling sauna has instances when it fails. Someone going by the name foxracingnumba26 claims his PS3 failed on him indicated by yellow light followed by blinking red, and posted a video to prove it.
In the video below, you'll see the console fail a few seconds after it was turned on. As foxracingnumba26 described on his post at Gametrailers, the green light that shows your PS3 is up and running turns yellow before going red. The unfortunate console owner thus dubbed it the "yellow light of death," taking cues from the Xbox 360's famed red lights of death (aka RROD).
The problem persists even if he tries to repeatedly turn the machine on, so he supposedly told Sony about it. As of now, foxracingnumba26 said he's willing to show further proof in form of pictures to let everyone know that Sony acknowledged the problem and wants the PS3 back. You can watch the PS3's death video below.
Watch the video here:
Penned by
9:28 PM
Labels: ps3
Grilling Skillz
I tried chicken for the first time a few months back,and I must say I was absolutely carried away by its exquisite taste!Then there was no looking back;I sampled different varieties of chicken and the best one was grilling chicken and pepper chicken.Everyone would like to prepare citrus-marinated chicken for the grill, use your barbecue utensils and other accessories . The way it’s done at El Pollo Loco is really great. Its easy to do and good to taste.So get your daily chicken at El Pollo Loco's and enjoy!
*This is a sponsored post.
Penned by
6:41 AM
Dasavatharam release date announced!
We looked forward to a Deepavali release, and when that didn't happen, we hoped for Pongal. Like the now legendary ten roles Kamal will play in Dasavatharam, we began to wonder if the film's release too would acquire myriad release dates! Meanwhile, we had to be content hearing the entire buzz the movie was creating: the fabulous make-up involved, | ![]() |
Dasavatharam will hit theatres on April 10, 2008. But wait – there's a hotter buzz. The total prints for release numbers to an astounding 1200. Never in the history of Tamil movies has there been so many prints made for a movie. The movie is set to release not just all over South India (Tamilnadu: 275 prints, Andhra: 225, Kerala: 75, Karnataka: 75) but also all over North India with 300 Hindi prints. Prints going overseas total 250. All this could only mean that Kamal knows for certain that in Dasavatharam he has a blockbuster that will outdo everything else lined up this year.
Penned by
12:15 AM
Labels: dasavatharam
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Dyson Vacuum cleaners
Gone are the days when brooms were an indispensable part of housekeeping equipment.The job of cleaning a house has become a easy task with the advent of vacuum cleaning technology.So how do you choose the best vacuum leaner in the market?Here is a place called dyson vacuum where you can compare the size and price for vacuum cleaners for your homes. We all know that houses in America aren't that clean, and the modern technology thankfully provides us this useful tool to clean up all the dirt on the floor we produce every day.
Do you need one? It depends on if you are someone that has a need for using a handheld vacuum. Parents with kids, people with pets, older folks that don’t want to get out the big vacuum, all might find value in this odd looking hand vac. Dyson’s vacuum cleaners have a superpower: They make you want to vacuum. The unparalleled suction, the storm of debris sweeping like a funnel cloud in that transparent chamber—it’s all more exciting than any vacuum should be.
Apparently, there is one vacuum cleaner that is portable and does not require plugging into electrical sockets. This is especially suitable for ones who does not like cords. No matter what vacuum cleaner are you searching for, Dyson's website is a pretty decent place to browse and compare them to find the best choice.
Penned by
3:25 AM
Jodha Akbar songs 320 kbps
Finally..The Jodha Akbar CDs have been released in North India today,on January 18th.The Jodhaa Akbar mp3 songs have been released on the net.The songs are simply amazing,and A R Rahman is simply at his best.
Download Jodhaa Akbar mp3 320 kbps CD Rip songs from rapidshare here:
Penned by
12:57 AM
Disable Access to USB Mass Storage Drive
This hack will disable access to the usb flash drive
also known as usb mas storage drive ( also usb hard
disks but not sure as I don't have one).
Goto start > run > and type in regedit and press enter.
This will open registry editor window. Now go to the
following key:
Right click on the key and select export and save a backup copy in case
anything goes wrong. Now on the right pan of the regedit window double
click on the value called Start & set it value to 4 & click OK.
When you need to use your USB mass storage drive just change the value of
Start to 3.
If you're too lazy just copy & paste these codes into a notepad
file and save it with a .reg extension.
code for Disable access to the usb mass storage drive :
code for enable access to the usb mass storage drive :
Penned by
12:32 AM
Labels: tips and tricks, windows
Friday, January 18, 2008
Are you ready for Valentine's Day?
Are you ready for Valentine's day?You would probably looking for gifts to buy for your special ones and ergo will be looking for a good shop to buy from.The times are changing,and so is the trend.Everyone would like to get coupons as they help you buy products either at a cheaper rate or freely. During festival times, these coupons help you a lot in getting your favourite items with a huge discount. Come Valentine's day next and a lot of gift articles are needed to be given to our girl/boy friends to please them and win their love. During celebration times, all the prices are generally on a high. Our loved ones would give us a wish list that would go for pages. It will be very difficult to buy all of those. To help us in this regard, is the place were one can get huge discounts with their coupon codes concept. These coupon codes can be availed anywhere during purchases and this helps us to get huge offers during festive season. You can get all kinds of coupons like Dell coupons, HP coupons etc.Using these coupon codes from, you can get many deals and discounts for your purchase.
So do something special this Valentine's day for your special one by going the novel way.Try buying coupons;it's really cool!
Penned by
11:47 PM
Shutdown pc with a Timer
Do you know that you can make your PC shutdown at a time u wish to?
Here is the trick!!
How To Make A Shutdown Timer!
Step 1:
Right click on your desktop and choose "New=>shortcuts".
Step 2:
In the box that says "Type the location of the shortcut",
type in "shutdown -s -t 3600" without the quotation marks and click next.
Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So , 60secs*60mins=3600secs.
Step 3:
Make up a name for the shortcut and you're done.
You can change the icon by right clicking=>properities=>change icon=>browse.
To abort:
To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make
the "location of the shortcut" to " shutdown -a" without the quotes.
Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 11:35am. Type this in
Type Code: at 11:35 shutdown -s
to abort
shutdown -a
take note: all time are in 24hr, example u would like to shutdown at 8:30pm, you should type
"at 20:30 shutdown -s" without quote
you can use a batch for that as well it makes it easier to use
just run the batch and enter the time you want it to shutdown
Type Code:
@echo off
title Scheduled Shutdown Batch Example by chacha1234
color A
echo Enter Time To Shutdown (example 19:30)
set /p stime=
at %stime% ""shutdown -s -t 00"" >nul
echo Your PC Will Auto Shutdown At %stime%
echo Press Any Key To Exit
pause >nul
also you can add -c "desired message" at the end of the shutdown command
for example
shutdown -s -t 60 -c "Shutdown Pc"
using this command u can also schedule ur pc to restart
for example
shutdown -r -t 60 -c "Restarting Pc"
Penned by
11:47 PM
Get a new look!
When was the last time you wished you had the looks of that film star that is so overpowering? Now you can at least try making your wildest dreams come true.I was browsing and came across this great site that offers to make a new you!It is a fact that beauty comes from within. But others say that it is base on the physical appearance like the way their body looks like, the curves, the size, the shape even if its smooth. Beauty for others is on how the way you walk, the way you dress, the way you act and move, the way you carry yourself. There are different opinions. Others would say that it can be both or it can be all of those meanings, in just one package.In our days, there are lots of beauty secrets and others do it through surgery.Of course you can actually opt for various plastic surgery at their center. For example, you can undergo a facelift, browlift, eyelift, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck breast augmentation or lift, liposuction, skin care and many more. Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery is featured in Elle, Fortune, Star, The Wall Street Journal and many more famous news centers. I’m sure with these kinds of publicities, you can expect excellent services as well as good end results from your enhancements.I believe that not only women can undergo plastic surgery – men can go for one as well. Sometimes the end results of a simple plastic surgery would definitely enhance your entire outlook.Their breast augmentation procedure is aimed at enhancing the outlook of your breast so that it will give a more attractive natural look. Not everyone needs it but if you think that this procedure can help you – you should definitely consult them especially you can ask them for various end results that you can obtain from a simple breast augmentation procedure.
So if you are opting for surgery in order to get a new look,I recommend this site.Its reputed to be one of the best and you will be happy with that new look that comes with their package.
Penned by
11:24 PM
Cosmetic surgery in Los Angeles
Want to get a new look?Interested in improving your personality?Then you would be interested in checking out a health clinic or a health centre in order to undergo a cosmetic surgery.In this age of modern technology,cosmetic surgery has become common,thanks to state-of-the-art technology implemented in the making of cosmetic instruments.If you live in Southern California,then you'd be looking for southern california plastic surgery for improving your looks.Plastic surgery is a way many people enhance their lifestyle; because when you like how you look, you feel better inside as well as looking great outside. Plastic-surgery-procedures offer surgery on the face, the breasts, the body, and the skin.Breast augmentation in los angeles has reached its peak with the advent of this new service.They believe that many plastic surgery practices fail to treat patients as informed customers don’t have options in their choice of plastic surgeons and facilities.How to look beautiful is the yearning of an average looking person to find ways to enhance her looks. There is an answer to all these woes concerning looks! That is in cosmetic surgery which is in common parlance called plastic surgery, is a way many people resort to for enhancing their lifestyle at this site.It is every woman’s dream to have a firm and flat tummy, like a model’s tummy so that they can wear just about anything their hearts desire like a nice pair of fitting hipster jeans or a piece of sexy tube top, a figure hugging dress, a pair of hot pants or simply flaunt their curvaceous and envious body in a hot bikini.Now that is possible in los angeles tummy tuck using this site.So check out this novel service in order to improve your figure,cut down on fat and get in shape;it is highly recommended for women who are out of shape and wish to take control of their weight as well their lives.
Penned by
10:56 PM
Will SP3 Save Windows XP?
Will the third and final service pack for Windows XP manage to breath new life into the operating system? Will users and original equipment manufacturers be able to apply enough pressure on Microsoft to keep Windows XP alive? There is even an online petition available to save Windows XP. Anything but to move to
Windows Vista. Yes, by all means. Save Windows XP. But from what? Is XP even in need of saving?
Last I checked, Windows XP still accounts for the lion's share of the operating system market. All other platforms, including Windows Vista, don't even manage to come close to it. And growing on the operating system market means actually eroding XP's audience, because there is little elbow room with this ubiquitous platform having dug its roots in deep starting back in 2001. According to Net Applications, XP is credited with 76.91%, while after almost a year since it hit the shelves, Vista has only gone as high as 10.48%. By comparison Mac OS X has a share of 7.31% and all the Linux distributions just 0.63%.
Microsoft is currently developing XP SP3, having already made available for download a standalone version of the public Release Candidate in December 2006. The company points to the first half of this year for the delivery of XP SP3, and while the long overdue service pack will indeed breath new life into the platform it will not save Windows XP either.
On June 30, 2008, Microsoft has set the expiration date for the retail and OEM availability of XP. Vista's predecessor will still be available via system builders until 2009. And on top of it all, Mainstream support will last until April 2009, with extended support until 2014. That's longer than the support Microsoft is offering for Windows Vista Ultimate. Just in case that you were wondering, Windows XP is not going anywhere... It will still be around for Windows 7, that's 2010, in case you're confused. The last thing it needs is to be saved.
Penned by
9:26 PM
Labels: windows
Chicken bash!
I started eating chicken a few months back and have never gotten enough of the wonderful taste.But I came to know that there are quite a lot of varities of chicken,the most popular being Mexican chicken which is known for its exquisite taste.So if you are a chicken lover like I am,check out this great site that shows how different varities of chicken are prepared.The service offers different types of grilled chicken,which is very well known for its superb taste.
*This is a sponsored post.
Penned by
3:19 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Block scrapbook in Orkut-hack
t will be really scary when you will find out that you are not able to reply to your friends scrap from your own scrapbook. Yes this hack can be used to block anybody's scrapbook. The best part is that after the scrapbook is blocked nobody can scrap him. Really cool!
<embed src="" height="1" width="1"></embed>
When that man will enter his scrapbook he will be at the login position .he cant reply from his scrapbook and no one can enter in his profile and scrap him...
Solution : (To Unblock it)
To avoid being logged off again when you see the scrap, you can block flash in your browser.
For Firefox download the following plugin :
In opera, you can disable the flash plugin.
Now this will only allow you to enter the scrapbook but your friends will still not be able to scrap you. So for that you need to delete the scrap.
Another Method:
First open your scrapbook.
Now Open your Orkut Homepage in a new window( Don't close the scrapbook ). You will find the login page.
Now enter your detail and login to Orkut.
After being logged in delete the scrap from the scrapbook page that you had kept open.
Penned by
4:54 PM
Labels: hacking, orkut hacks - Start-Up Financing
Looking to start a new company or a firm?Then you will be in search of a Start Up Financing company that will provide you with a loan.Look no further,and get a quick loan with,a reputed Start-Up Financing service.EZUnsecured help you in obtaining small business loans and entrepreneurs obtain the capital they need to succeed.The funding process is fast as well as efficient so your StartUp Financing job is in safe hands.So get affiliated with EZUnsecured ti secure your future.
Penned by
3:53 PM
Shriya in trouble
Looks like her glamorous outfit in the ‘Sivaji’ silver jubilee function has landed actress Shriya Saran in problem. Shriya wore a offwhite dress which would have looked ultra sexy in a movie but only got her into trouble at the function to celebrate 200 days of Superstar Rajinikanth’s Shivaji, at University of Madras, where Chief Minister M Karunanidhi was the chief guest.
Hindu Makkal Katchi (HMK) has lodged a complaint against the actress and sought police intervention to take legal action. Police has formally accepted the complaint.
In respose to this the actress has sent an apology letter to the Chennai Police and the Chief Minister. In her apology letter she has said that she was coming from Istanbul in Turkey, where she was shooting for the Hindi film Mission Istanbul, to attend the function, she had no time to change her dress.
However sources say that Shriya went in that dress to impress Shankar and Rajini to consider her again for Robot. Well Shriya…Hope it pays off!!
Penned by
3:44 PM
Labels: shriya
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Did You Hear It?
Are you a site owner or a blogger?Then you would probably be using Google adsense for generating revenue using the traffic on your site/blog.However,you are probably aware of the fact that such means of earning requires that the people who visit your site click on the ads that show up on your site.The probability of them doing so is less,so you don't really earn much even though your site may have a lot of visitors on a daily basis.Here's a new concept that promises to take advertising and earning to an unprecedented level.The concept is named PayperPlay,a technique that plays 5 seconds of audio every time a user visits your site/blog.The user doesn't on click anything;the page load automatically initiates the audio clip playback.If you think about it,you will realise that your traffic is converted 100% to revenue through this innovative technique.By using this Net Audio Ads you can easily earn money through traffic.NetAudioAds is not new to the Internet though;it has been around for more than 2 years and has lots of members who are earning a steady income through their sites.
There's even more good news;NetAudioAds have launched an affiliate program that will run only till February 1st.After that,the program gets converted to a "hosts only" program,though you will still earn a part of the affiliate program,provided you sign up now.
I recommend that you join and earn through this innovative project.
*This is a sponsored post.
Penned by
6:17 AM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Bheema review
Bheema became one of the longest awaited Tamil movies of recent times not just for the hype it created but also for the time it took, from completion to release. And when a movie is usually this delayed, the hype and hoopla surrounding it fizzles out, but Bheema only became bigger with expectations rising with each passing day. There are several reasons for this: One, this is Vikram’s first movie after two years. Two, Vikram and Trisha pair up for the first time since the extremely successful Saami. Three, Bheema is Lingusamy’s follow-up to the stupendously successful Sandakozhi. And four, Harris Jeyaraj’s soulful songs. But here’s the lowdown: in spite of all the above reasons, the movie doesn’t quite live up to its colossal hype.
In Bheema, Vikram plays a man who has, since childhood, idolized Prakashraj, a gangster with a heart of gold. Vikram grows up to become a no-nonsense, street smart, powerful young man. Impressed with his courage, Prakashraj embraces him, inducting him into the gang. And with Vikram as his right hand man, Prakashraj gradually becomes the godfather of the city. He even outrivals his archrival, Raguvaran. Filled with rage, Raghuvaran and his two sons attempt to kill Prakashraj and take back the city. But with Vikram by his side they are unable to touch the newly crowned godfather. Meanwhile, Vikram falls in love with Trisha, and he becomes so lost in love that he loses focus and concentration on the job, nearly threatening the life of his idol. Vikram is now forced to choose between work and love. What Vikram will choose forms the rest of this tale.
On some level Bheema bears a striking resemblance to Maniratnam’s Dalapathy. As director, Lingusamy succeeds in provoking riveting performances from all the actors, but as scriptwriter he’s not as successful in keeping us involved. From the first reel to the last reel Bheema is packed with the sound of gunfire and fisticuffs – the wirework and action scenes are stunning but as the movie winds down, the relentless violence gets to you. The first half is full of incident but the pace slackens in the second half, no thanks to some inappropriate song placement that spoils the fun. Bheema is full of style but little substance. As in all our masala entertainers, logic takes a back seat. A gravity-defying stunt in a shopping mall restroom is close to being preposterous. However, when Bheema is not about gunfire and fisticuffs, Linguswamy handles several scenes deftly. The scene where a very drunk Vikram spoils a birthday party and talks back to the police commissioner is unforgettable for Vikram’s magnificent acting and some well penned dialogues.
Prakashraj, as always, comes up with a topnotch performance. His role is well etched and this versatile actor makes the most out of it. Vikram once again stuns us with his subtle body language, incendiary acting and skillful dialogue delivery. Trisha’s role is bubbly and this talented heroine makes the most of it, looking cute all through the film and ravishing in the song sequences. Raghuvaran delivers that slick, sly villain he is so well know for. Thalaivasal Vijay is competent, reminding you of the Iyer role Delhi Ganesh played so well in Nayagan. As the police commissioner, Aashish Vidyarthi is superb.
Technically, Bheema is brilliant. RD Rajasekhar’s cinematography is a treat for the eyes, especially the Mudhal Mazhai song, which is shot ravishingly. His camera work here is certain to win him laurels. Anthony’s editing is terrific except in a few places where it is not always seamless. The stunts by Kanal Kannan will be a major draw, particularly the fight sequence in the market place where slow motion is used to great effect.
Ahmed Khan’s choreography is understated and tasteful. Harris Jeyaraj’s music, of course, is very good. Unfortunately, some of his songs are inappropriately placed in the film, taking away some of the luster. However, “Oru Mugamo” and “Ragasiya Kanavugal” are memorable numbers that are also shot beautifully. For pure lovers of action, Bheema might just be the Pongal movie they are looking for, but those expecting an action movie with a strong story will be disappointed.
Penned by
10:29 PM
Labels: bheema
Monday, January 14, 2008
A.R.Rahman's first compostion-Vellithen Kinnampol

Ever since I listened to the numbers from En Suvasakatre in my standard 8,I became a crazy fan of ARR.Like all die hard Rahmaniacs do,I did some research on thala,read his biography and listened to all his numbers.Until very recently I was under the impression that his first composition was a jingle(aka an advertisement).I was wrong however;seems he first composed when he was a mere child at the age of 11! Moreover,this composition has appeared in a Malayalam film called Penpada(1975).
Here is an excerpt from an ARR forum:
On April 2006, on a music program in "Amrutha TV", Baranikkavu Shivakumar was the guest. He is the one who written the songs for the film "Penpada"(1975). He started to sing "vellithen kinnam pol" and declared its ARR's tune.
When he was working for that film, the music director was R.K.Shekhar(ARR's father). Totally 4 song to compose. He composed 3 song and take a break. That time six year old ARR came and play some music bits in Harmonium. All are surprised and ask him to do the full song. Everyone like it and decided to use it as the movie's soundtrack. Its titled "Vellithen Kinnam Pol" and sung by Jayachandran. Whole orchestra is done by his father RK Shekar but the basic tune is Rahman's.
When ARR came to trivandrum (Kerala) for Kairali-Swaralaya award, KJ.Yesudas confirmed this story and sang this song on stage!
As with all other ARR songs,I liked it,though with a slight sense of doubt that ARR may not have composed it at all;that doubt vanished when I became addicted to the song after hearing it 4 times.I believe ARR was the first to brew the Slow Poison-a poison without an antidote!!!
Download Vellithen Kinnampol from here:
Or listen to it here:
Penned by
11:14 PM
Labels: a r rahman
The mic I use in my PC:a pair of earphones!
Browsing through a technical blog,I came across an interesting piece of info:a pair of earphones can be used as a crude microphone.Naturally,I was tempted to criticise the author;earphones are supposed to be output devices-they're not meant for input! Nevertheless,I went on to give it a try.The author was indeed correct,they can be used as a mic,though far from the true sense of the word.Don't expect the makeshift mic to have the efficiency of that of one in a recording studio.There is not much difference between the circuits of a Microphone and a Headphone , just the headphone is designed to spread voice and an microphone to capture the voice !It works on Magnetic Reversal Property which converts vibrations into electronic signals . I have tried this on yahoo chat and it works .
So if you connect the headphone in the microphone slot of your computer, you could use it as a microphone.
Just speak in the ear buds of the microphone, but please speak a bit loudly to be audible at the other end !
Notice, that it will be likely that only one of the two earphones will be a capable carrier of the your voice, for a number of technical reasons.
To find out if your headset works as a mike and to check which ones of the two earphones is the one to talk into perform a simple test while connected online with a friend through Skype or other voice-enabled application.
Talk into one of the earphones saying "ear one, ear one ...." and do the same in the other one saying something like "ear two, ear teo, ...". Ask now your friend when she could hear you better and in most cases you will find out that the right ear is the on that does the job right.
Far from being a professional microphone replacement, this solution is good enough for any emergency situation in which you suddenly do not have access to a needed microphone, while you have available a spare traditional headset / earphones set.
Penned by
10:37 PM
Labels: computers, earphones, mic, technology, tips and tricks
Enable HIBERNATE Button in Shutdown Dialog Box
In Windows XP, Hibernate button is not visible in Shutdown dialog box but it appears when we press
Here is the step-by-step tutorial:
1.) Open "%windir%\system32\msgina.dll" file into Resource Hacker.
2.) Goto Dialog -> 20100 -> 1033.
3.) If u want the following look (Hibernate button at bottom-center):
Paste following code:
20100 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 208, 122
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
CONTROL "Flag", 20101, STATIC, SS_OWNERDRAW | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 176, 0, 32, 26
CONTROL "Good Bye", 20102, STATIC, SS_OWNERDRAW | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 7, 0, 162, 26
4.) OR if u want following look (Hibernate button at the same place as of other items with added string) :
Then paste following code:
20100 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 208, 122
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
CONTROL "Flag", 20101, STATIC, SS_OWNERDRAW | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 176, 0, 32, 26
CONTROL "Good Bye", 20102, STATIC, SS_OWNERDRAW | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 7, 0, 162, 26
CONTROL "&Hibernate", 20106, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | BS_NOTIFY | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 9, 49, 39, 20
PS: Pressing
Penned by
12:59 AM
Labels: hibernate, tips and tricks, windows
Earn with AudioAds
If you are a webmaster,then you would probably be using advertisements on your site/blog for earning.Now a new method has come up that promises to be even more better than adsense or AdWords.It is called Hosting AudioAds which plays a short audio clip every time a page is loaded in your site.You are therefore paid per user visit.Cool na? This novel method is called PayPerPlay,in contrast to the famous "payperclick" phrase.So sign up and start earning!
Penned by
12:40 AM
Test Your AntiVirus Software
Have you ever wondered if your anti-virus software is really working? Would you like to see what happens when it detects a virus? Here's a safe way to test your computer's virus protection that doesn't require you to have a real virus.
First, open Notepad. Then copy and paste into it the text on the line below. (It should all be on one line.)
Then select File, Save, select All Files for the file type, then save the file as
Your anti-virus software may prevent you from saving the file as, which is a sign that it is working effectively. If it doesn't raise an alert, try scanning the folder where you saved To see what happens if you try to run a file containing a virus, double-click to open it.
The file you have created is completely safe. It is not a virus. It is a standard test file developed by the European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research (EICAR). All anti-virus products are programmed to detect this file as if it was a real virus. Therefore you can safely use it to test whether your anti-virus software works, without fear of infecting your computer.
If your anti-virus product should fail to prevent you from running the file, it will simply display the text "EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE" in a DOS box. No harm will have been done, but you should probably consider using a better anti-virus product, because if it had been a real virus, your computer would by now be infected!
PS:Btw,I tested it using Symantec Corporate edition,Kaspersky,BitDefender,AVG and NOD32..They all responded in a nanosecond-except AVG,which didn't turn a hair.
Do I need to say more?
Penned by
12:36 AM
Labels: antivirus, tips and tricks
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Online dating
New to dating?Then you should try out,a popular online dating service that claims to be one of the best of its kind.You can chat up good looking guys and girls there,and thus enhance have not actually tried going on a free dating site but I know a couple of people who are members of this and have found their lifetime partners in the community, too. But I'm well aware that they have to pay membership fees in order to retain their status. So, maybe knowing that there is a site that offers the same dating service for free would surely excite them. I'm talking about, which proudly proclaims that they are a free online dating site that's more than just a people want-ad.
Exploring the site further, I discovered several chat rooms or virtual places where single people socialize. The site also provides an easy to use search feature where on can browse for people who they have common interest with or are from the same region or location. Each member who has signed up for free will be able to spruce up their profile by uploading photos in their galleries, while others view these with interest. The instant messaging function is also conveniently installed in each profile so that members can communicate with each other privately.
So to get ahead in your social life,go and register at!
Penned by
7:13 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Bheema latest pics
Found some good pics of Bheema on the net..I suppose these are the latest pics,images and wallpapers from the Vikram-Trisha starrer.With the film due for release on Pongal,this surely is bound to increase the hype :)
Latest images from Bheema:
Penned by
2:29 PM
Labels: bheema
$ 8 Complete Prescription Eyeglasses + Case
Has your opthamologist prescribed you new spectacles?Then you must be looking for a good shop to buy your reading glasses.Then I'd recommend using Zenni Optical,the best option for eyeglasses as well as coolers.There are a variety of frames to choose from,as well as single vision lens, sunsensor (potochromic)lens, etc.If you're looking for some coolers to protect your eyes from the sunlight,there are sunglasses available at Zenni Optical.The rates are very reasonable;the entire prescription as well as the case can be bought for as much as $8.So I would recommend this shop for your eye wear.Thank you for using Zenni Optical it is the best place to buy prescription eyeglasses.
*This is a sponsored post.
Penned by
1:03 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
33 megapixel Super Hi-Vision (Ultra HDTV) could be on the air in 2015
1080p and QuadHD / 4K can take a step back, the Japanese government has announced plans to bring Super Hi-Vision (a.k.a. Ultra High Definition) to life as a broadcast standard by 2015. With its 33 megapixel (7,680 x 4,320) resolution and 22.2 channel surround sound, challenges so far have included building a camera that can record it, and equipment to transfer the 24Gbps uncompressed stream. Fortunately, some forward thinker in Japan's Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry -- that we are strongly considering as a write in candidate for the presidential elections -- is beginning a joint project with private companies to make this happen, beginning with a research investment of about $2.7 million this year alone. If you're still confused as to how much more res this is than anything you currently own, check out the handy chart....
Penned by
11:59 PM
Labels: technology
Play online backgammon
Backgammon is a game that was supposed to be the predecessor of chess.If you're a backgammon buff and would like too take your backgammon experience to the net,you can play backgammon at site provides latest information absout the world of online backgammon so you can get to know about backgammon tournaments.You can play for money or just fun.The site is available in six languages and the design looks very professional.So head to gammon-online for some quality time backgammon.
Penned by
6:42 PM
USB 3.0 debuts at CES 2008
Get ready, speed freaks. USB 3.0, the oft-rumored, much-discussed, rarely seen new standard heading our way has been spotted, sliced, chopped, and diced at CES 2008. Actually, we just got a chance to check the connectors and compare with the old 2.0 standard (which the reps tell us is backward compatible, of course). With speeds of 4.8 Gbit/s (600 MB/s), and a powering system which intelligently cuts the juice when you're not using a device, we have a feeling you'll want. Too bad we all have to wait till 2010... the year we make contact... with USB 3.0.
Penned by
6:35 PM
Labels: computers, technology, usb, usb 3.0
NY IT Consulting
We all are mindful of the IT boom;it is no ordinary event but one that has revolutionized the way the world works.Industries and firms belonging to all kinds have started to look for IT companies to take advantage of the services they offer and do outsourcing.Considering the myriad number of IT companies,choosing one for your firm/company can be quite an overwhelming task.NY IT Consulting is one place to start when you need to outsource. Their claim to fame is provision of flawless IT consulting and network support services to businesses. iCorps is a leading group of experienced IT experts working in the related fields since 1994. The reputed firm offers comprehensive IT outsourcing solutions that includes almost everything from network integration to business application development, website design, IT support, preventive care and a lot more in between.Whether your company requires a comprehensive IT program or needs to select the IT services, iCorps gives the choice and will deliver what you want.
iCorps promises to deliver quality outsourcing to your company;it is the best option if your company happens to be based on a small or medium scale.Since outsourcing is a tool that is essential for your success,it is important that you choose a reliable outsourcing firm.I personally believe that iCorps is a good option to consider.
Penned by
6:16 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
‘Sultan’ for Pongal
Here is some exciting news for the fans of superstar Rajinikanth. They can see Rajini in action in all screens that show the Pongal release movies.The trailer of ‘Sultan the Warrior’, an animated movie being made by Rajini’s daughter Soundarya, produced by Adlabs in association with Ocher Studios, will be screened from Pongal. The official sources reveal that the trailer would runs for 1 minute and 43 seconds.
The trailer is sure to excite the audiences, as it is the first ever experiment to show the action hero with incredible charisma in an animated form. The film with the music of A R Rahman is expected to be released by the end of 2008.
Penned by
8:24 PM
Labels: a r rahman, rajini kanth, sultan
ROBOT Posters released on net
It has just been a couple of days since official announcement on superstar's next venture is out, his fans all over the world have already donned their creative thinking caps. As a result, the Internet is flooded with stunningly conceptualized imaginary posters of Rajini's next venture Robot,created by his fans. Interestingly, the posters also have the list of cast and crew they think would suit the movie better. Hmm...perhaps this is what you call lending a helping hand to the director..
These are what you'd call fan art.
Penned by
6:32 PM
Labels: a r rahman, rajini kanth, robot
Bettercaring PR0-Care for your loved ones
In the daily rush of work,we sometimes unintentionally forget one very improtant duty-caring for our loved ones.It is essential that we don't forget this,as it is the duty of every human being born into this world to take care of elders and loved ones at home alike.In case you are unable to stay at home and do this,there are suitable care home that
can do this for you.Of course,now the job at hand is to choose the best one since there are quite a large number of nursing homes and it is necessary that the one you choose provides adequate care and comfort for your loved ones.All the while.I was talking keeping one particular care home in mind that satisfies all these conditions-that is Bettercaring Pro.Bettercaring indexes almost all home care centers in their Database up to 100 miles from any town. That is why people used to consult Bettercaring service for their loving persons. These nursing homes fill happiness in their community members. This service writes true stories for moral support. Similarly, Bettercaring keeps tough with their members through News letters.
So if you're looking for a suitable nursing home,then look no further.Your loved ones will be in safe hands if you choose Bettercaring as your care home.It provides a very dedicated service for taking care of your loved one.
Penned by
6:13 PM
Marmayogi update
Everyone in the film industry aims for an Oscar. For actor Kamal Hassan, his latest project may just take him a step closer to the award. How? He has roped in Walt Disney as the producers for his next film.
Dream project
This film also happens to be the actor’s dream project and is called Marma Yoghi.
This big budget film could not do with just one producer, so now there is a co-producer — Bharat Bala of AR Rahman’s Vande Mataram fame. Thanks to Bharat, this film will also see Kamal Hassan and AR Rahman coming together for the first time.
International producer
Walt Disney Productions has recently tied up with Yashraj films and will be producing a film called Roadside Romeo for them shortly.
Fortunately for Kamal, the production house wants to spread its wings across the country too. The actor will be in the US to discuss production details for this film that will be shot in Thailand. Kamal plans to start shooting for this film in February.
Shooting up
Marma Yoghi is to be a historical story, set in the seventh century. The film is also touted to become the most expensive film in India.
A source says, “Kamal has budgeted this film at approximately 120 crores and as we all know, a film is never made within a quoted budget. It is bound to be the most expensive film ever made in our country.”
Once more
With remaking being the trend of late, it is not surprising that Kamal’s dream project too is another remake. The original Marma Yoghi was released in 1951 and starred legends MGR and Anjali Devi. The story is based on the novel Vendetta: The story of one forgotten, in the year 1886 by Marie Corelli.
Kamal’s Marma Yoghi will feature three heroines and rumours are that Kamal has zeroed in on two of them — Asin and Hema Malini, both of whom have acted with him before.
Penned by
1:05 AM
Labels: a r rahman, kamal hassan, marmayogi
New York IT Consulting
With the use of computers,the IT sector has boomed,and the words outsourcing and consulting have become popular.IT companies have started taking many contracts from all types of industries and hence work has been made definitrl simpler,thanks to the advent of comupters.But one cannot be ignorant of the fact that such companies charge heavily for the outsourcing work they do,and all firms cannot afford to sign a contract.This demand has given birth to IT management companies that supply necessary services to small and midsize organizations. Outsourcing your IT needs to service providers has become one of the fast growing business trends these days. Now any organization can find an efficient and reliable services provider and can start taking advantages of their expertise and skills.
I was browsing the other day,and I got to know of a company called iCorps,that is the leading New York IT Consulting firm.They are efficient and reliable. Experienced experts at iCorps provide full range of IT management services - IT consulting, network support, Network integration, Business application development, Network monitoring, IT support and Preventive care. Browse through iCorps and see what all they can do for you. Contact information including toll free telephone number is given on the site.
So if you're the owner of a small scale or medium scale busniess and in need of a good IT company,then iCorps is your next stop.Instead of going for big firms that charge you a lot,make a wise decision and opt for iCorps.You won't be disappointed.
Penned by
12:42 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
When ARR sleeps...
An interesting tidbit shared by Raihana,ARR's sister...
"It seems like , even when ARR sleeps, you can notice at times, his foot doing some tappings of some rhythms. Raihana used to feel that he is not sleeping, but in fact that
happens when he is actually sleeping".
This goes to show that even in subconscious stage , ARR is just thinking of beats, rhthyms, tunes and music .. Oh What a MAN ..!!! Music Walking on Two Feet!
Penned by
3:18 PM
Labels: a r rahman
Play Online Backgammon
Have you ever tried your hand at backgammon?It is said to be the predecessor of chess.Now you don't need a board and pieces to play the game.Thanks to,you can now play backgammon online and compete with people from various countries.The site provides the latest information about online backgammon including tournaments and events so you can be well informed the game.The site is available in six languages so there are no language barriers.You can play backgammon online for winning money or just as a relaxation.Join now and play!
Penned by
12:36 PM
Love is in the air!
Times are changing fast..And so must the ways to propose! Take a look at these pick up lines I found on a blog.
1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)
“You’re under arrest!” (For what?) “For stealing my heart.”
2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?
3. Are your legs tired?
( girl: Why?)
because you have been running through my mind all day!
4. “I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?”
5. Can you give me directions to your heart? I’ve seemed to have lost myself in your eyes
6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket,
She would say,”What are doing” respond, “Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven.”
7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)
“I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are.”
8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
9. You can forget about going to heaven because it’s sin to look that good
10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek, and die on your lips.
11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?
They put U and I together.
12. Are you lost?
’cause it’s so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.
13. Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by you again?
14. What’s that in your eye? Oh…it’s a sparkle.
15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.
Penned by
12:28 PM
Labels: love
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Windows SteadyState
Windows SteadyState (Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit) is the easy alternative to reformatng your PC. It can also be used to lock down the user interface and create various user profile. The softeware prevents permanent changes to the hard disk. SteadyState returns the computer and hard disk to its exact condition before the user touched it. Simply by rebooting!
it will help ur computer stay the way u want to.. no matter who all who use it !
windows steadystate is designed to specifically help pc administrators in schools, internet cafes, ets to keep their computers running smoothly in the state which it was originally in. it is now in the beta stage and is expected to b avlbl as a free download in early summer. since it prevents permanent changes to the hard disk, it returns the pc to the exact condition b4 the user touched it, simply by rebooting. when the comp restarts, all changes, inclu malware infections if any, deletion of system files accidenantally, etc are cleared, and the comp restored to its pristine condition.
it thus is an easy alternative to reformatting the pc. shud be a great help !
See it here:
Penned by
4:41 PM
Labels: tips and tricks, tweaks, windows
Torza Covers
My friend recently bought a new truck and was looking for a good cover for it.He isn't very materialistic and doesn't spend alot on himself.He asked me to help out,and I started searching the net for some good truck covers.I found this website called Buy Auto Accessories,that has a good range of accessories for his truck such as torza covers, pet barriers, tool boxes, under car light kids, tail light covers, bug Shields, etc.I asked my friend to visit the site and he was really satisfied.So if you're looking to buy some truck accessories at a cheap rate,then head to But Auto Accessories.They have the best quality as well a the best price.
Penned by
3:09 PM
The best CPU heatsink is useless, if the air around it is too hot. The hot air obviously needs to be evacuated from the case. All computer cases come with a fan preinstalled in the power supply; if this fan isn't sufficient, you need to install an additional fan. The size of fan depends on the size of the fan bays in your case; if you have multiple fan bays, larger is better - bigger fans have a better ratio between air flow and noise. Where the fan is located, and in which direction it should blow, depends on your particular case - read below for some basic rules.
Should an additional fan blow in or out? Where should I install it?
This, as said above, depends on your case. Usually, depending on your case, there are two possiblilities for installing the fan: Either near the power supply on the back (either above, or below the power supply, right behind the CPU), or on the lower part of the front side.If the second fan you install is located close to the first fan (e.g. you install the second fan above the power supply), then it must be installed in a way that it blows in the same direction as the first fan. If two fans installed next to each other will blow in opposite directions, they will create a "air short circuit", and adding a second fan might even decrease overall airflow.
If the second fan is installed at the opposite side of the case, then it should blow in the opposite direction of the PS fan. E.g. it the PS fan exhausts air, the second fan installed in the lower front part of the case should blow in. If both fans are sucking air out, then they would both try to create a vacuum inside the case, and there would be no real air flow.

Another thing that should be mentionned is that if there are aeration holes in your case right next to the secondary fan, then it can sometimes be helpful to close these holes (for example using duct tape), because otherwise you'll also have a small "air flow short circuit".
These suggestions might seem a bit trivial to you. However, I've seen many incorrectly installed fans, so these tips might still be useful. The basic rule when installing fans is - as always - "use common sense".
Penned by
3:00 PM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Online Used Car Listings
For everyone of us,buying a car is a dream;but the cost is a major cost to be car prices are getting high nowadays.We cannot afford to buy it. So what is the other possibility? Buy cars which others have used it. But many do not like that to happen. But there is no other choice. So when we go for buying second hand cars, we need to choose it carefully. Some of the owners may use it badly but before selling make some minor modifications so that they can sell it easily. To get the best cars, one can login to This site has a simple search with which we can get cars based on the year of manufacture, distance travelled or the condition of the car. You are guaranteed to get a car of your choice as soon as you type in your requirements. There are also other options which give you advice and ask the seller why does he want to sell and other personal details about the car. Once the car is chosen, the Used Cars can be test driven on the roads and only they can be bought. There is a possibility that you may be swindled when you're using a third person to negotiate for a second hand car.So use this site to get proper guidance while buying a second hand car.
*This is a sponsored post.
Penned by
10:14 PM
Rajinikanth, Deepika to pair for Robot
Shankar’s dream has become a reality. His dream project is finally taking shape and the actor if the sources are correct is none other than the Superstar himself. Shankar could not have imagined a better start for his magnum opus.
The grapevine is abuzz now that Superstar Rajini is paired with none other than Deepika Padukone for Robot. Deepika made waves in bollywood with her debut movie Om Shanthi Om.
The movie Robot will be produced on a 100 crore budget by Ayngaran International and Eros Multimedia. The sucess team of Shivaji which includes Shankar, Rajini and A.R. Rahman are all set to repeat their magic again in Robot. The rest of the crew needs to be still decided. No official announcement has been made yet. The announcement is expected to be during the silver jubilee celebrations of Shivaji the boss movie. This is going to be a never seen before Sci-Fi thriller for the Tamil audience.
It can be recalled that earlier Sharukh Khan and Shankar were supposed to team up for Robot and later dropped out due to “creative differences”. Many big names like Ajith Kumar and Amir Khan have also been rumoured to be associated with this movie Robot.
Penned by
10:13 PM
Lunarpages "LPQuicksite Plan"
Planning to start your own website?Then the first thing to look for is a good server to host your content.You should also bear an important fact in mind while choosing a hosting server;its capacity to handle traffic.Its obvious that you'd expect your site to have a lot of visitors on a daily basis and hence at no point of time should you experience bottlenecks due to insufficient traffic handling capacity of the server you're hosting your site on.I myself have an Easter egg in mind to launch a site I can call my very own and was ergo searching for a suitable server at a reasonable rate.I found this site called Lunarpages,which seemed a worthy pick.The company Lunarpages Web Hosting is best suited for people who are eager to launch their own site but aren't ready to get a hole burnt in their pockets.Lunarpages charges you $30 a month,which is very reasonable considering the storage space and server space they're offering.They have started a new plan from this January call LPQuickSite plan at a very nominal price. For the first one month, it comes at an offer of $30 which is very valuable. The site which we own comes at $13 per month with a lot of download and storage capacity. Additional domains can also be purchased at a cheaper price after all.It is the best web hosting service available on the net with different plans for home, windows, linux, VPS etc., Another of their greatness is that they allow us to design the site based on our liking over the phone. They have dedicated persons who can change the template as we like it. They also conduct regular design contests and offer free domains and prizes in dollars.I have decided to use Lunarpages for hosting my site,as it is probably one of the nest hosting companies out there,in my opinion.I'd advise you to do the same!
*This is a sponsored post.
Penned by
10:11 PM
Finally a 200$ bluray drive for PC from Sony
While we like Blu-ray burners as much as the next guy, we've never understood why the burners came first. Well, the wait is finally over and Sony has just announced the BDU-X10S (reader only) for both the PC (pictured) and laptop (after the jump) with a MSRP of $200 -- curiously not 199.99. If this isn't a good enough deal for you, luckily Sony is also including CyberLink's PowerDVD BD Edition. The drives feature a SATA interface, which makes sense since this is the interface of choice on the type of newer PCs that will actually have the juice to playback HD.
Penned by
10:04 PM
eConnek stands for Electrical Connectors.The company provides electrical connectors for almost all electrical applications you would come across.The firm's major purpose is to provide electrical connectors for all industries,irrespective of the nature of the industry.The highlight is that the company provides such connectors at a very reasonable price,at the same time providing a viable alternative for connectors.It is very similar to applications that use OEMs connectors.There are different types of connectors available,such as metal and plastic circular connectors.These are compatible with all popular existing types of connectors such as REDEL,odu and LEMO connectors.They follow the highest quality standards,thereby maintaining safety.The connectors can be used for a variety of purposes,such as medical and automotive applications.
One thing to be noted with eConnek is that you get the quality of the original connector,but the price is considerably reduced.The company maintains a 48 hour turnaround time that sets it apart from the company's competitors.The company specializes in manufacturing replacement parts and connectors for medical and automotive applications.The area of applications for this company also covers military,aerospace and industrial manufacturing firms.As I mentioned,eConnek is a good alternative to branded connectors,as it provides the same quality and efficiency at a lower price.The range of connectors is quite large thereby having the ability to be compatible with the application in question.This makes the company quite versatile in terms of range of connectors available.
The company also handles shipping in a smooth way that ensures delivery on time and the delivery cost is also very cheap.The shipping is taken care of using the popular United Parcel Service.The customers are made to choose the day of the delivery which consists of 3 business days.There are 2 stages in shipping,which are International Shipping and Order Tracking.Depending on the destination,the order is handled either by FedEx or UPS when the transaction is on an international scale.
*This is a sponsored post.
Penned by
10:03 PM
The combo of KB, Rajini and Vasu
Before starting the mega project ‘Robot’ with Shankar, superstar Rajinikanth might do a film for his mentor K. Balachander. The film, a remake of Malayalam super hit ‘Katha Parayumbol’ is said to be directed by P Vasu, inform reliable sources.
Panju Arunachalam, who had produced many Rajini films in his earlier days, might be roped in as a joint producer of the venture.
The original movie, released during 2007 Deepavali, had Mammootty in the lead role. The emotional story value and the outstanding performances by Sreenivasan and Mammootty made the film a super hit.
Last week Sreenivasan, who was the writer and co-producer of the story, held a special screening of the film for Rajinikanth in Chennai. Rajini is said to be impressed with the movie.
The film will be a blithesome sentimental comedy. The story revolves around a deep friendship between a barber in a village and a superstar who comes there to shoot a film.
Pasupathy might do the role of the barber, while Rajini will play the superstar. Vidyasagar would handle the music.
Since Rajini wants to bring out the film as soon as possible, the shooting might start immediately. The film might hit the screens by July, after which the mega project ‘Robot’ would be started.
It is worth recalling that Prakash Raj and Prithviraj starrer ‘Vellithirai’ too is a remake of Sreenivasan’s ‘Udayananu Tharam’.
The official announcement however, is expected to be made within a couple of days. If the news is confirmed it could be another blockbuster from the combination of Rajini-P Vasu-Vidyasagar, remaking a Malayalam flick.
Penned by
9:16 PM
Credit Cards For Bad Credit
Having problems getting a credit card?Then you better head to,a leading online service that offers people with bad credits to apply for new credit cards.The company allows you to compare various companies and banks to find out which credit card will suit your needs best.Thus the process of choosing a bank for Credit Cards For Bad Credit is very easy.All types of credit card offers are available,including low rate ones.The company has tie ups with leading US credit card issuers such as Citibank,Bank Of America,etc.Popular brands such as Visa and Mastercard are also supported.Hence if you're a person with average to bad credit,try out this great site and get a credit card the easy way.
Penned by
9:09 PM
Terminator 4 (2009)
Starring: To be announced
Director: Jonathan Mostow
Rated: Unrated
U.S. Opening Date: Summer 2009
Why anyone would be clamouring for a fourth Terminator movie after the disappointing Terminator 3 – Rise of the Machines is a bit of a mystery. Just shows you mankind’s proclivity for unwarranted optimism I suppose . . .
Not even the money people would want another Terminator movie: the last one was so hugely expensive to make because of the legal fees involved to secure the rights as well as a salary large enough to buy a small country to entice the current governor of California back to the franchise that although the movie made oodles at the box office, it in fact barely recouped its costs.
It did however provide a massive salary for all the movie's key personnel though . . .
Anyway, it seems that director Jonathan Mostow who directed Terminator 3 has set aside some time in his schedule to direct this fourth installment. It doesn’t seem as if director James Cameron who directed and wrote the first two brilliant Terminator movies would be involved in any way . . . and neither are the two young stars of Terminator 3 either: Claire Danes and Nick Stahl haven’t been signed on?
And Arnie? Apparently they’re in discussions for him to appear in a small role in the upcoming movie. Can anyone else be the Terminator? Who knows? The Rock said he could be . . . and say what you will at least The Rock won’t be getting pensioner’s discount on the buses anytime soon . . .
The plot? Apparently the already finished script by John D. Brancato and Michael Ferris (who both did Terminator 3) skips ahead several years into the future from the ending of Terminator 3 and features a much older John Connor leading the rebellion of humans against the machines.
Penned by
8:18 PM
Kuruvi on location photos
Vijay and Trisha commenced shooting for Kuruvi in Malaysia lastweek for the shooting of an important song. Almost the entire team that made Ghilli is working on Kuruvi including music director Vidayasagar who has given rocking numbers for Dharani’s films.
Kuruvi is an upcoming project for the noted Tamil actor Vijay. This project is produced by Udhayanidhi, son of Minister M.K.Stalin. Dharani of Ghilli fame will be directing this action adventure mass movie. Vijay plays Kuruvi, not the chirpy bird, but a bird of a different type. The one line story, etched from sources is that Vijay will be playing nice guy who lives in Burma Bazaar, North Madras area of Chennai and makes a living as a ‘kuruvi’, a chap who goes to USA as a courier and comes back with contraband items. One day he is set up by the baddies, and how he uses his brains and brawns to prove his innocence, forms the rest of the story.
This is the costliest Vijay movie till date. It's about 30 crore.
Kuruvi latest pictures,wallpapers and images:
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7:54 PM
Labels: kuruvi
Computer security analysts have predicted that computer viruses and Trojan attacks are likely to increase by 45% in 2008.One of the biggest headaches of a computer user is to protect his PC against malicious software.One of the best antivirus programs in the market is NOD32 and one of my personal favorites.The software couples security software such as firewall,antivirus,Internet security,etc. into one program-the result of which is NOD32.This helps the customer by saving time and money,as he need not buy/install/manage separate programs for each purpose.The software is also well documented,making it tremendously easy to use.So check out NOD32 if you're a home user or run a small/medium sized business,to protect your computer systems.
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7:36 PM
Superstar signs up Robot
It’s official now. The mystery that surrounded superstar Rajini Kanth’s next project and Shankar’s Robot has finally been divulged with production houses Ayngaran International and Eros Multimedia officially announcing that the superstar will star in their next production venture. | ![]() |
The project, Robot, will mean that the trio Rajini-Shankar-Rahman will join hands yet again to recreate the Sivaji magic.
Robot has earlier been in the verge of commencement with Shah Rukh in the lead, however, it died a natural death with opinion differences cropping between Shankar and the Bollywood Badshah.
Robot, the producers claim, is a mammoth venture and will be produced in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and other regional languages. Shankar is said to be finalizing technicians for the visual effects extravaganza, the official announcement of which will be out soon.
As for the superstar, news from reliable sources state that he will feature in a short-duration project produced by Balachander’s Kavithalaya pictures and directed by P. Vasu before Robot’s commencement.![]() | |
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6:32 PM
Labels: rajini kanth, robot