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Saturday, November 10, 2007

A peculiar way to hide a folder in Windows

This is a cool way to make a folder disppear in Windows,without having to use 3rd party software or type out long ASCII codes.I found this method by accident when I was trying to change the icon of a particular folder.Though this method doesn't HIDE a folder,it does make it sort of invisible.

Do this:
1.Right click on the folder you wanna hide,and click on Properties.

2.Click on the Customize tab.At the bottom,you can see a "Change Icon" button.Click on it to get a list of icons installed on your system.

3.Scroll down 3-4 times to find some blank spaces where there should be icons.This "blank space" is actually an icon.Click on the Blank/Invisible icon and give OK twice.

4.Now you wont be able to see the folder's icon.We've hidden half of the folder(or made it invisible,rather).Now to make the other half invisible-the folder name.

5.In Windows XP,its not possible to assign a "blank" name to a folder;even giving a space isn't allowed-by ordinary means,that is.You can directly use the ASCII characters to rename your folders.
To do so,right click on the folder,select Rename.Now Hold down Alt,and then press 0160 on your Numpad(Its mandatory that you should use your numpad for this and not the regular numkeys-the ones above the alphabets).0160 is the code for a space in ASCII format.Now hit enter.Your folder would be completley invisible by now.



Avinash said...

gud one da. but i knw dis b4
