An exabyte (EB) is a large unit of computer data storage, two to the sixtieth power bytes. The prefix exa means one billion billion, or one quintillion, which is a decimal term. Two to the sixtieth power is actually 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes in decimal, or somewhat over a quintillion (or ten to the eighteenth power) bytes. It is common to say that an exabyte is approximately one quintillion bytes. In decimal terms, an exabyte is a billion gigabytes.
1 Exabyte=10^18 bytes
How Many Bytes for Anything
Much of the following table is derived from figures calculated by Roy Williams on his page called "Powers of Ten."
Information object | How many bytes |
A binary decision | 1 |
A single text | 1 |
A typical text word | 10 bytes |
A typewritten page | 2 |
A low-resolution photograph | 100 kilobytes |
A short novel | 1 |
The contents of a 3.5 inch | 1.44 megabytes |
A high-resolution photograph | 2 megabytes |
The complete works of Shakespeare | 5 megabytes |
A minute of high-fidelity sound | 10 megabytes |
One meter (or close to a yard) of shelved books | 100 megabytes |
The contents of a | 500 megabytes |
A pickup truck filled with books | 1 |
The contents of a | 17 |
A collection of the works of Beethoven | 20 gigabytes |
A library floor of academic journals | 100 gigabytes |
50,000 trees made into paper and printed | 1 |
An academic research library | 2 terabytes |
The print collections of the U.S. Library of Congress | 10 terabytes |
The National Climactic Data Center database | 400 terabytes |
Three years' of EOS data (2001) | 1 |
All U.S. academic research libraries | 2 petabytes |
All hard disk capacity developed in 1995 | 20 petabytes |
All printed material in the world | 200 petabytes |
Total volume of information generated in 1999 | 2 |
All words ever spoken by human beings | 5 exabytes |
How Much Information Exists
Since 2000, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have continued to estimate each year how much information exists on the planet Earth. The Executive Summary of their report, "How Much Information? 2003" is available at their Web site. Here are just a few highlights:
Information object | How many bytes |
How much information each person on earth produces per year | 1 to 2 |
How much of the above is printed information | .03% of the total |
How much e-mail information per year | 11,265 |
How much radio information | 788 terabytes |
How much TV information | 14,150 terabytes |
How much telephone information | 576,000 terabytes |
How much postal information | 150,000 terabytes |
How much office document information | 195 terabytes |
Awesome read man.
There is a hosting comp in Malaysia who call them self exabyte :)
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