Have you ever thought of having your very own website and domain?Then you would probably have thought of getting a good hosting site as well.I am planning to launch my very own website and hence I was searching the net for a good hosting service.I was actually hoping to find the right host by searching in google.However there were a lot of good hosting services so I had difficulty in choosing the best one.Then I stumbled upon a site that gives web host rating for each host depending on various factors like value for money,bandwidth,storage,etc.Hence I was able to choose my hosting service very easily.I suggest that you visit this site to get a good idea about various hosting services.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Host Rating site
Penned by
10:58 PM
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You have faced a very common problem. I also looking for the solution of selecting a good one.Thanks for informing us about the link.Waiting for your next post like this.
well.. yes i also want to make my own website ... and you are rite, choosing a good hosting service is the main thing. anyhow thanks for sharing your feelings with us ... and yes i will visit your website.
Thanks Sriram .... i will try to make ma site ..
yea we need a good hosting service. i am also looking for my own website i mean i wanna make a site which keeps my identity. however thanks for the web hosting rating link
well making a website is a dream. but now i think it is going to be true ...thanks man and yeah good luck for your won website. Nice post.
Hey thanks for the link. I was planning to buy a hosting. So it will be very helpful for me. Thanks again for the suggestion.
Hosting is one of the major thing but many of us not aware about this. Whatever thanks for this informative post.
To me Hosing is most important. So it is so important which hosting you are choosing. thanks for this informative post
choosing a good web hosting service is really important anyhow congrats for opening your very own website.
Thanks Sriram... for this eye opener article. And also for the link.
It's a very common problem. I also looking for the solution of selecting a good one.Thanks Sriram for sharing this in your post with us.
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